Shrimati Subhadra Markhedkar Foundation
It is a public charitable Trust that promotes corporate social responsibility missions and is planning to provide stress development programs, management development programs.
Shrimati Subhadra Markhedkar Foundation is a public charitable Trust that promotes corporate social responsibility missions and is planning to provide stress development programs, management development programs.
The Trust is also planning to offer residential courses on various ancient sciences such as yoga, pranayama, Ayurveda, dinacharya, etc., alongside providing articles, webinars, and training seminars/conferences on various topics relating to self-development and spiritual development, aiming for the achievement of peace of mind, clarity, and strength of mind.
Additionally, the Trust aims to promote rural development projects and aid in disaster management, including relief, rehabilitation, and reconstruction activities.
The Trust is further planning to conduct study groups, lecture series, translate, publish, and distribute books, articles, webinars, websites, conferences, journals, periodicals, literature, etc., for promoting and spreading Indian culture, education, spirituality, yoga, self-development, obtaining peace and strength of mind, and enlightenment among the masses.
Moreover, the Trust seeks to establish, maintain, and/or grant aid to medical schools, medical colleges, nursing institutions, sanatoria, mobile dispensaries, maternity homes, child health care centers, leprosy homes, and similar institutions providing medical relief.
It also plans to provide medical relief to poor, distressed, afflicted, and mentally, physically, or psychologically handicapped persons in India, including the supply of spectacles and other medical, surgical, and remedial appliances.
Furthermore, the Trust intends to carry out objects of general public utility and security, such as village uplift, rural reconstruction, public health and hygiene, community development, promotion of cottage industries, orphanages, and pinjrapoles, among others.
It aims to give scholarships, prizes, and assistance in cash or kind to students to help them in their studies, as well as donations to the National Defense Fund or any other similar fund to provide medical or other relief to members of the Armed Forces, their widows, children, dependents, and civilians affected by external aggression.
Lastly, the Trust plans to provide relief, either in cash or kind, to the public in general, especially those affected by riots, floods, famines, fires, epidemics, droughts, or other calamities.
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