We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined, and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.
We provide turnkey solutions for water infrastructure projects such as surface and underground drinking water projects. Our experience and scope extends to designing and implementing water distribution networks and rainwater harvesting systems.
Key Water Segment Projects
VIKRAN's scope in the project includes: Intake Well, Water Treatment Plant, Raw Water rising main, Distribution system, village pipe network, Electric Substation, Instrumentation and Scada system.
We are in the process of delivering a Rural water supply projects worth Rs 2000 crs (243.61 million USD), comprising of tube well/Intake Well, WTP, rising/pressure mains, pumping stations, electro- mechanical and automation CWRs, overhead tanks, distributing pipe networks, pipelines, individual house connections, public stand posts, Retrofit etc. located in the State of UTTAR PRADESH.

Technology isn't Just Marching on: It's Racing Ahead.