New EHV Substation Contract Awarded by PGCIL to Enhance National Grid Capacity
We are in receipt of New Order in EHV Segment from Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, Chief Manager (CS-G1), Saudamini’, 3rd Floor, Plot No.-2, Sector-29 ,Gurgaon (Haryana) - 122001.
Name of Work : FOR Substation Package SS-99 for (i) Conversion of 2×240MVAR non switchable Line Reactors at Raipur PS (Associated with Raipur PS-Champa PS 765 kV Ckt#1 and Ckt#2) into switchable Line Reactors under Western Region Expansion Scheme-XXIV (WRES-XXIV); (ii) Augmentation of transformation capacity by 1×500MVA, 400/220kV ICT (6th at Pavagada PS) under Augmentation of transformation Capacity by 1x500MVA, 400/220kV ICT (6th) and common facility at Pavagada (Tumkur) PS; and (iii) Installation of 420kV, 1×125MVAr Bus Reactor along with associated bay at Biharsharif (POWERGRID) Substation in the bus section having 1×80 MVAr existing bus Reactor under Eastern Region Expansion Scheme-XXVIII (ERES-XXVIII).

Project Challenges
NOA No : 5002002364/SUB-STATION (INCLUDIN/DOM/A00-CC CS-1/NOA-I/SR2-500011 dated 16-12-2022 (Supply Portion) – Rs.36,09,87,958/-
NOA No : 5002002364/SUB-STATION (INCLUDIN/DOM/A00-CC CS-1/NOA-II/SR2-500012 dated 16-12-2022 (Services Portion) – Rs.14,14,26,462/-
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